Fishing & Hunting License
Fishing & Hunting licenses are available at various local vendors. For a list of local license agents call 1-800-858-1549. Since August 30, 2000, licenses can be purchased toll free by phone at 1-877-KYTAG01(1-877-598-2401) or on the Internet at http://fw.ky.gov.
Below is a summary of licenses & permits available. If you cannot find the information you need at this site, the Department of Fish & Wildlife (KDFWR) Web site has more detailed information.
Senior/Disabled License
Since March 1, 1999, senior and disabled residents previously exempt from license requirements are required to purchase a $5.00 license to hunt and fish. The license allows you to hunt and fish and covers the following state permits: deer, turkey, migratory bird, waterfowl, and trout. Qualifications for purchasing the discounted license are the same as the qualifications were for the exemption. For senior residents, they simply need to give their date of birth. The Senior/Disabled selection will only show when the date of birth indicates the customer has reached his/her 65th birthday.
Disabled residents must be a veteran with at least a 50% service-connected disability or be declared totally and permanently disabled by the Federal Social Security Administration, the State Department of Worker’s Claims, the United States Railroad Retirement Board, the Kentucky Teacher Retirement system or the United States Office of Personnel Management. They must provide the department with certification of their disability from the appropriate agency. Once the department receives the correct certification, the hunter/angler will be issued an authorization card. The card will be valid for a period of 3 years and can be renewed at the end of the period by re-applying for a disabled authorization card. You must go to any license agent or the internet and purchase your $5.00 discounted license each year to be legal to hunt or fish. When purchasing the discounted license, the hunter/angler will present the authorization card to the license agent. The license agent will be required to enter the card number to access the Senior/Disabled license table and make the sale. For more information, go to Disability License Exemption Information.
In both cases, the resident will be asked for a date of birth. The disabled resident also will be asked to supply the authorization card. In both cases, documentation of their qualification to purchase the discounted license must be carried in addition to the license itself while hunting or fishing. For the disabled resident, the authorization card is the proof needed. For the senior resident, a driver’s license is all the proof needed, but other documentation of residency and age is acceptable.
Available Licenses and Permits
Visit the On-Line Sales page to purchase licenses, permits and other items on-line!
Or to purchase by phone, call toll free 1-877-KYTAG-01 (877-598-2401)
The following licenses are available through any License Agent:
HUNTING LICENSES allow the holder to take legal game species statewide by gun, bow, dog or falconry. Deer and turkey hunters must have deer or turkey permits in addition to the appropriate hunting license. Migratory bird hunters must have a migratory bird permit or a waterfowl permit in addition to the hunting license.
FISHING LICENSES allow the holder to take sport and rough fish statewide by rod and reel, pole or line, or other specified legal methods.Trout fishermen must also have a trout permit.
COMBINATION LICENSES allow the holder to perform any act authorized by either a hunting or fishing license.
TRAPPING LICENSES are required of all trappers, regardless of age or residence. None of the hunting or fishing license exemptions applies to trappers. Trapping licenses are valid from March 1 through the last day of February.
SENIOR/DISABILITY LICENSES allow qualified residents to perform any act authorized by either a hunting or a fishing license and to take trout, deer, turkey, waterfowl and other migratory game birds without any additional state permits. License holder would be required to purchase the Federal Waterfowl Permit to hunt waterfowl.
Combination Fishing and Hunting License – Available only to Kentucky residents.
Sportsman License – Includes Combination Hunting and Fishing License, Resident Deer Permit, Spring Turkey Permit, Resident Fall Turkey Permit, State Waterfowl Permit and Trout Permit
Jr. Sportsman License – Includes Jr. Hunting, Jr. Deer and Jr. Turkey permits. Available to residents and nonresidents who have not yet reached their 16th birthday. Valid for the entire year in which issued, even if the license holder turns 16 during that year. Parent or guardian must sign the license at the time of purchase. Children under the age of 12 are license exempt (effective with the 2008 license season)
Resident Hunting – Available only to Kentucky residents.
1-Day Hunting – Valid only for one (1) day, specified by the purchaser. Date may be today or any date in the future. MAY NOT BE USED FOR DEER, ELK OR TURKEY HUNTING.
Jr. Hunting – Available to residents and nonresidents who have not yet reached their 16th birthday. Valid for the entire year in which issued, even if the license holder turns 16 during that year. Parent or guardian must sign the license at the time of purchase. Children under the age of 12 are license exempt (effective with the 2008 license season)
Resident Fishing – Available only to Kentucky residents.
Joint Fishing (husband-wife)** – Available only to Kentucky residents. Costs 10% less than two fishing licenses bought separately.
1-Day Resident Fishing – Valid only for one (1) day specified by the purchaser. Starting date may be today or any date in the future.
Senior/Disabled License – Available only to Kentucky residents. Includes Combination Hunting and Fishing License, all Deer Permits, Spring Turkey Permit, Resident Fall Turkey Permit, State Waterfowl Permit and Trout Permit. Must be over 65 or have a department issued disability authorization card.
Resident Trapping – Required of all trappers except landowners or tenants, who must have the landowner/tenant trapping license.
Resident Landowner/Tenant Trapping – Not available to nonresident, even those trapping on the property they own.
Jr. Trapping – Required of all trappers under the age of 16. Available to residents and nonresidents who have not yet reached their 16th birthday. Valid for the entire year in which issued, even if the license holder turns 16 during that year. Children under the age of 12 are license exempt (effective with the 2008 license season).
Annual Nonresident Fishing – Valid for entire license year.
1-Day Nonresident Fishing – Available only to nonresidents. Valid only for one (1) day specified by the purchaser. Starting date may be today or any date in the future.
7-Day Nonresident Fishing – Available only to nonresidents. Valid only for a consecutive seven-day period, specified by the purchaser. Starting date may be today or any date in the future.
15-Day Nonresident Fishing – Available only to nonresidents. Valid only for a consecutive 15-day period, specified by the purchaser. Starting date may be today or any date in the future.
Nonresident Annual Hunting – Identical to a resident license, except required of persons who are not Kentucky Residents. REQUIRED FOR DEER, ELK OR TURKEY HUNTERS.
1-Day Nonresident Hunting – Valid only for one day, specified by the purchaser. Date may be today or any date in the future. MAY NOT BE USED FOR DEER, ELK OR TURKEY HUNTING.
5-Day Nonresident Hunting – Valid only for a consecutive (5) five-day period, specified by the purchaser. Starting date may be today or any date in the future. MAY NOT BE USED FOR DEER, ELK OR TURKEY HUNTING.
Nonresident Trapping – Required of all nonresident trappers.
Jr. Trapping – Required of all trappers under the age of 16. Available to residents and nonresidents who have not yet reached their 16th birthday. Valid for the entire year in which issued, even if the license holder turns 16 during that year. . Children under the age of 12 are license exempt (effective with the 2008 license season)
Jr. Hunting – Available to residents and nonresidents who have not yet reached their 16th birthday. Valid for the entire year in which issued, even if the license holder turns 16 during that year. Parent or guardian must sign the license at the time of purchase. . Children under the age of 12 are license exempt (effective with the 2008 license season)
Jr. Sportsman License – Includes Jr. Hunting, Jr. Deer and Jr. Turkey permits. Available to residents and nonresidents who have not yet reached their 16th birthday. Valid for the entire year in which issued, even if the license holder turns 16 during that year. Parent or guardian must sign the license at the time of purchase. . Children under the age of 12 are license exempt (effective with the 2008 license season)
PERMITS are required in addition to the appropriate hunting or fishing license.
Resident Deer Permit – Required to hunt deer. Entitles the holder to two deer.
Non-Resident Deer Permit – Required to hunt deer. Entitles the holder to two deer. MAY NOT BE USED IN CONJUNCTION WITH A ONE OR FIVE-DAY NONRESIDENT OR A ONE DAY RESIDENT HUNTING LICENSE.
Jr. Deer Permit – Issued to holders of Jr. Hunting Licenses only. Entitles the holder to one deer. Two per season may be sold to the Jr. license holder NOTE: Jr. hunting license holders may also buy the regular deer permit. Children under the age of 12 are license exempt (effective with the 2008 license season)
Bonus Antlerless Deer Permit – This permit entitles the holder to two antlerless deer in any zone. May use unlimited bonus antlerless deer permits in Zone 1 counties during any deer season. Must purchase a statewide deer permit before using bonus permit.
Bonus WMA Quota Hunt Deer Permit – Entitles the holder to two deer.
Waterfowl Permit – Required to hunt ducks, coots, mergansers, and geese. Also covers migratory game birds. Required of hunters over age 16. NOTE: Waterfowl hunters must also possess a federal duck stamp, available at Post Offices. May be used in conjunction with a one or five-day nonresident or a one day resident hunting license.
Migratory Game Bird Permit – Required to hunt doves, woodcocks, snipes, rails and gallinules. May be used in conjunction with a one or five-day nonresident or a one day resident hunting license.
Spring Turkey Permit – Entitles the holder to two bearded turkeys only. MAY NOT BE USED IN CONJUNCTION WITH A ONE OR FIVE-DAY NONRESIDENT OR A ONE DAY RESIDENT HUNTING LICENSE.
Resident Fall Turkey Permit – Entitles the holder to FOUR turkeys, either sex. MAY NOT BE USED IN CONJUNCTION WITH A ONE DAY RESIDENT HUNTING LICENSE.
Non-Resident Fall Turkey Permit – Entitles the holder to FOUR turkeys, either sex. MAY NOT BE USED IN CONJUNCTION WITH A ONE OR FIVE-DAY NONRESIDENT HUNTING LICENSE.
Trout Permit – Required for trout fishermen. Joint husband-wife license holders each need trout permits if both will trout fish.
Elk Lottery Permit – Persons who wish to hunt in the 2010 Elk Quota Hunt shall purchase an elk draw permit. The department shall select hunters by a random drawing of all valid elk draw permit holders. Hunters must comply with all applicable laws and regulations. A person cannot apply more than one time per application period. The permit will be sold until 4/30/2010.
Youth WMA Elk Lottery – Youth who wish to hunt in a special 2009 Youth Elk Hunt shall purchase this permit. Open to any applicant who will be less than 16 years old prior to May 1. Youths who turn 16 after the application period are still eligible for the hunt.
Resident Out-of-Zone Elk Permit – Entitles hunters who wish to hunt Elk out of the elk restoration zone during deer season to take one elk. Hunter must be a legal deer hunter.
Non-resident Out-of Zone Elk Permit – Entitles hunters who wish to hunt Elk out of the elk restoration zone during deer season to take one elk. Hunter must be a legal deer hunter.
USER PERMITS are required for certain wildlife management areas. They are required for all users of these areas — hikers, picnickers, birdwatchers, etc. (A group permit is available from the Frankfort office of KDFWR for organized events).
Peabody Wildlife Area User Permit – This area is located in Ohio and Muhlenberg counties.
Land Between the Lakes User Permit
NOTE: Items above marked with an ** may NOT be purchased by phone or on-line, but may only be purchased through a license agent.
Licenses & Fees
Resident Fees
Non Resident Fees
Replacement License Procedure
Click Here for replacement options.
Hunter Education Requirements
All hunters required to carry a Kentucky hunting license and born on or after January 1, 1975 must carry a valid hunter education course completion card while hunting. A bow hunter not in possession of a firearm while hunting may carry a valid National Bow hunter Education Program course completion card instead of the hunter education course card.
Children under 10 years old may hunt without a hunter education card, but must be accompanied by an adult who shall be in position to take immediate control of the child’s bow or firearm at all times while the juvenile is hunting. One adult shall not accompany more than two children at one time.
Hunter education cards are not required in order to purchase licenses or permits, but must be in the hunter’s possession when in the field. Hunter education cards obtained in other states are valid in Kentucky. Course information is available by contacting KDFWR.
Click the following link for more information on KDFWR Hunter Education.
License & Permit Fees
A listing of fees is available at the Kentucky Department of Fish & Wildlife Resources web site.